Sunday, November 19, 2006

Turn Back Time...

Wish there was a time machine where we could stop time or just turn back time to moments of perfection.....hmmm....


Monday, November 06, 2006

I Hate my job!

Never thought I would be saying this on the 4th day of my job...but what do you expect when on the first day of the job your given tonnes of work (which you had no clue how to do) and your first deadline is after a week?????????

Which company does that??????????...Apparantly mine does!

Well as they say..Your job is only as good and bad as the people around you...Could never have proved more true. My Current boss is a "B****" of the first order and I will not feel guilty even if I have to murder her.

Ok so this is a major crib post--looks like I am the latest scapegoat in the office who gets dumped work that the "B****" doesnt "like" to do (mind you this has nothing to do with if she has the time to do it or not)....

Am very very tempted to walk out of the job and say..."find someone else to screw"!...but am picking up excuses like..."something is better than nothing"...or "atleast am getting paid"...ahem....maybe coz I dont want to be an escapist.....

Hoping to get through each day one at a time....wishing theres something better in store....praying its all worth it!...sigh!
