And life moves on...
So whats new?...every 4 mths some young men with either guns or bombs come along...kill a few indians and walk off...Happy....And we Indians...we dont care...coz long as "I am alive and my family is alive...well too sorry for the others..they couldnt survive"...isnt it?
They say its a sin to commit a crime...but even worse to let it happen...and no am not talking about the terrorists/ millitants..whatever you call them...Am referring to our very own politicians....terrorists come and kill 300 of us in a day and walk off....but the numbers that are dying becoz of our politicians EVERYDAY goes much beyond that.....
The very fact that we have lost 300 of our people on 26/11 itself goes to say how much bigger an enemy is living day in and out in our own country in the name of these politicians....our own politicians who have no conscience and soul left in them....and inspite of repeated attacks in the country have never bothered to do ANYTHING AT ALL about it....
Last 50 yrs we have sat and watched one politician after another come and stab our wounds again and again to such an extent that I daresay , the damage to india has been permanent....if anyone who is responsible for the death of these 300 innocent people...yes it is the terrorists, it is the politicians and even more it is us...
We cannot stand and blame anyone else for this but us...we choose to be destroyed...we seem to want to be destroyed...its like wer asking for mercy killing....maybe we dont deserve any better than this...coz we Indians have been too selfish..way too selfish to stand up and fight for our brothers and to change things...
And the politicians--maybe u havent got this message straight....but let me give it a shot....but ur not kings...but servants!!....ur here to serve us and to make us crude as that....thats who you are ...And I do sometimes wonder what are these politicians made of and even more so..what are their families made of???....How can they all eat and drink so happily with money that comes from the blood of others....?
So we raised a big hue and cry...and to show that changes happen... now the politicians change..the old ones have escaped all accountability safely, new ones are happy to be the new kings in the indian system and we indians have got ourselves labelled "fools" again!...congratulations India Shining!!
Shame to them and Shame to us.
And yet we announce proudly...Mumbai moves on...oh yes it does..with shame and disgrace.